Everything about Relanote

The Zettelkasten Method: A Comprehensive Guide to Organizing Information
Image credit: By David B. Clear – David B. Clear, Zettelkasten — How One German Scholar Was So Freakishly Productive, in: The Writing Cooperative, 31 December 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90819394 In the age of information overload, it’s more important than ever to have an effective system for managing and organizing information. The Zettelkasten Method […]

Get Organized by Building A Second Brain
Information overload is not a new concept. There were predictions and concerns over the abundance of information since the invention of the printing press back in the fifteenth century. The continuous flood of information that we’re exposed to daily is not as productive as some thought it would be. Instead of making us smarter, the […]

Notetaking: An Overlooked Productivity Tool
Notetaking is a natural and essential part of student life. As adults, we lose a sense of the importance of taking notes, choosing instead to bookmark or clip something to read later on. There are countless studies that prove the numerous benefits of intentionally taking notes while consuming content. But truly, if you just take […]

Avoid Information Overload With Relanote
If you’re a child of the ‘80s or even ’90s, you’d remember how simple, yet painful, it was to gather information. A trek to the local library to conduct some research is almost unheard of in this information age. Instead of burning hours checking countless volumes of ancient books, we now exhaust those hours reviewing […]

Best Notetaking Apps for Productivity
There’s no exact method to taking notes. We tend to use the method that works best for us. Although there are ways to improve your notetaking skills, ultimately, you’ll incorporate new techniques that match your personality and needs. Whether you’re meticulous in your notetaking, organizing your notes into categories and including bullets and subheads, or […]

Supercharge Your Memory With These 7 Secrets
Have you ever forgotten where you’ve left your keys or drawn a blank on someone’s name? Memory lapses can happen occasionally, but you might not want to shrug them off if they’re a frequent occurrence. Aging has long been associated with memory loss, but it is not necessarily so. The fleeting memory problems you experience […]

10 Notetaking Tips To Improve Your Study Habits
We’re not all gifted with a photographic memory, so taking notes is essential for your success in high school, college, or university. Notetaking will help you to capture vital information that you’re likely to forget once the lesson is over. It is less about jotting down the things you hear and more about summarizing your […]

Best Second Brain Apps to Manage Your Information
If you’ve ever tried to develop your brainpower by trying to memorize as much as you can (as you would have done as a student cramming for an exam), you’ve probably discovered that you’ve lost most of that information. It’s truly not the end of the world to discover that our brains are not designed […]

5 Reasons Why Your To-Do List Is Holding You Back
When was the last time you wrote a to-do list and completed everything on it? You’d have to think long and hard about that answer if you’re like the rest of us. Your to-do list is not working. At best, it creates a space to empty your mind and bring clarity to the tasks you […]