Join the community (our forum is live)
We just launched the Relanote community (forum).
It is the dedicated place where we can meet virtually to discuss Relanote and PKM related topics and ideas.
The reasons behind taking this approach are to have a place where you can:
- suggest features and vote which one to be prioritized
- report bugs and monitor their status
- share how Relanote helps you and more importantly how it can help other community members
- to discuss PKM and productivity-related topics such as workflows, templates, strategies, and methods to become more productive in our daily lives.
We moved all the feature request that we received recently via 1:1 discussions with you to the forum.
Check the active feature requests and vote for your favourite ones.
Just to be clear, this is not an attempt to stop the 1:1 discussions that we have been having with you.
You can still schedule a 30 minutes 1:1 call with one of our founders, Stan, here – schedule a 30 minutes call