Everything about Relanote
Relanote Pro is here!
Happy New Year, Happy new Pro plan It is not new though and it took us a bit more time than expected to launch it. The Pro plan brings you pretty much everything you need to build your personal knowledge base. It allows you to share your work with the world as well as to […]
Join the community (our forum is live)
We just launched the Relanote community (forum). It is the dedicated place where we can meet virtually to discuss Relanote and PKM related topics and ideas. The reasons behind taking this approach are to have a place where you can: suggest features and vote which one to be prioritized report bugs and monitor their status share how […]
Note encryption is here!
One of the most anticipated features is live for more than a week already. As a normal Internet user, although I enjoy sharing my ideas and thoughts, there are some aspects of my life that I guard ferociously. Having a tool that is flexible enough to keep my private and my public ideas in the […]
Why we’re boostrapping Relanote
While others are taking the VC approach, we are on a slow but steady path. We are bootstrapping our way to the top.
Share your notes with the world
Two weeks ago we’ve launched the file attachments (you can check our Roadmap) and now it is time for you to enjoy the note sharing. In the following lines I will try to explain in a more structured way how it works and what are the options. Nevertheless, I encourage you to try it out, […]
Joining our newsletter
We’ve been getting an increasing number of messages on our support email asking “where can we stay up to date with Relanote”, we decided to start the newsletter.
A short introduction to Relanote and why are we building it
Taking notes is one of those skills that can be considered essential if you are looking for a way to first understand and second, retain knowledge. In its core, it is an activity of capturing and recording information with the goal of using it in the future. While the recording part problem is pretty much […]